Luc's 2 Cents Podcast

Episode 3: Should immigrants worry about Artificial Intelligence?

Luc Kuanzambi

In today's political climate, immigration is often a battleground, with opposing sides shouting past each other. Here, at"Luc's 2 Cents," we believe there's a better conversation to be had. This podcast is your antidote to the noise. We'll be amplifying the voices of immigrants themselves, sharing their journeys, struggles, and triumphs as they build new lives in the United States. Get ready for authentic stories, honest experiences, and a fresh perspective on what it truly means to be an immigrant in the United States of America.


Greetings from Portland, Maine, and welcome to this podcast. I'm Luc Kuanzambi and I'll be your host. This episode is brought to you by Xenos Communications Consulting, LLC, the company that facilitates your engagements with immigrant audiences. Stay tuned.


Episode 3: Should Immigrants worry about Artificial Intelligence?


Hello everyone. And thanks for coming back to this podcast


Introducing a new feature:"Shout out to my city!" Today's episode wishes to recognize all our faithful listeners and viewers in Seattle, Washington; Duluth, Minnesota and Lansing, Michigan. Your city is coming in one of our future episodes.


In my recent intellectual pilgrimage I have been mostly focusing on Artificial Intelligence. I think. It's altogether a fascinating topic and a very c hallenging Challenging at two levels for me, because on the one hand, I'm not good at coding. I'm actually taking coding classes right now. On the other hand, It's because I know when it's fully deployed, Artificial Intelligence is going to have a ubiquitous presence on the planet. At least where there is going to be infrastructure for it to be deployed. And it's going to have far-reaching consequences on our day-to-day lives. I am thinking. Especially, because I'm aware of the fact that I'm an immigrant in the U.S., I'm fairly new here. I've been here for the past seven years now. And I always feel like I missed a number of important historical milestones in the development of the US society and economy. Including the. 2000s Internet bubble that allowed for the development of the dotcom technologies. And I feel like AI is the one train I must not miss. Not necessarily as a developer, but mostly as an observer. So I've been spending time looking closely at the latest developments, trying to gain a lot more awareness in this subject matter. I think that this is a significant development. It's an important milestone in the history of humanity. Not just because of the intricacies of this technology when you look at the dimensions of coding and the ability to sort of self program as some of our discussing right now. And therefore the possibility for AI to self evolve. Uh, those are fascinating dimensions, but that's also where humanity is on the cusp of losing control. Because this is our product as humans and we need to keep control of it and try to make it work for the good of humanity. I'm saying we, but actually it's the developers that really have a say on all of this The problem I see here is not just that not everyone is able to develop AI and write lines of codes, then make it possible that individual features are reflected in the development of AI but also the reality of things is such as with such a powerful technology there's always going to be a handful of people keeping control and deciding about the fate of humanity overall. We'll call them benefactors maybe-or we going to end up finding out the they're tyrants, overlords rising over us. I don't want to bring this dualistic perception over society immediately here. But the reason why I feel like I'm concerned it's first of all, because I've been listening to a lot of people who are savvy on this subject matter and who're very concerned. At first I told the word just being overdramatic, but the more I'm listening to damn, the more I'm listening to people like Mustafa Suleyman, the CEO of microsoft who's also at the forefront of the development of AI. The more I'm listening to someone like a Sam Altman, who is not just helping develop AI right now and came up with ChatGPT, but he's also working on other solutions, including the possibility for universal income because they know that one of the byproducts of AI is certainly going to be the loss of income for a lot of people. So to try to mitigate the effects they're pushing for the idea of universal income. It's altogether fascinating, but it's it's not a subject matter per se, that needs to be analyzed and looked at very closely. But where I've been particularly shaken is when I listened to Yuval Noah a Jewish historian who's been talking about the dimensions where he sees AI impacting on our species. He's not just talking about, society, he's talking about our species. And that's what I feel is very fascinating and concerning. The others are warning us, but in very sparce wording. They're not being explicit. But he was very graphic in detailing how he sees AI invading some of the territory of humanity and taking over. From, on a one hand, the ability to self evolve and then start making decisions on behalf of humanity. It could be detrimental decisions like launching wars or wiping out entire populations of humanity. Those are just speculation right now, but it's always good to be cautious because you never know. Right now it's a Schrodinger cat. It could be coming in a sense or in an other. But also I was concerned when he started talking about the fact that AI could create a whole new species of humanity. Not necessarily by genetic manipulation and coding, but rather by the cyborg approach mixing some parts of humanity with mechanical parts that are byproducts of technology. And to me that was like childhood dystopia that I could only watch from movies such as"Cyborg" with Jean Claude Van Damne that depicted Androids characters that combined human features with robotic features. And I understand that today people who are war casualties and who have lost limbs, there's possibility of replacement or part of their body with bionic members. And it's fascinating, it's welcome because it helps them regain a certain dimension of normalcy. But for it to be generalized and to become, let's say, the way of the future, the trend... just as today, almost everybody's wearing a tattoo on themselves. Let's say people start replacing their bodily parts by bionic parts and we're becoming part human part robot.... I think that's really concerning. Those are the things that are getting me to think hard right now. But there's certainly going to be a sense of reliance on this technology for doing a lot of the things that we regard as part of our reality and the normalcy now. Right now with the prompted interaction we have with AI, a lot of people are relying on AI for generating texts or generating codes and even generating pictures. I haven't been personally satisfied in terms of texts and in terms of pictures because maybe the quality of the AI that I have been in contact with. So, I'm not super impressed, I don't know about the coding because I'm not super advanced when it comes to coding. But this is going to have as a side effect the inability for a lot of people to rely on their own God-given ability to generate stuff. Our creativity is going to dip. That's one of my concerns. I'm not super concerned about it myself, because I know what I'm going to stay away from that. Sometimes I use AI as a frame of reference. But I'm constantly reminded there's also what's being currently referred to as AI hallucination. It's coming up with things that sound like real or true but which are not real. It just, let's say, minted right at that moment. So I am being careful not to be influenced by content generated by AI. And I only go to AI when I know my subject matter and I can compare the outcome or the findings of AI with what I personally know. And I can verify from my sources, whether it could be documentaries or all, let's say books that I've read about the subject matter. I'm just sharing about all these things, because I think we should really be not concerned, but we should be focusing our attention, paying some mind to these developments because it's going to change our life. It's going to change the societies. It's going to change the rapport between people. This episode is brought to you by Xenos Communications Consulting, LLC, the company that facilitates your engagements with immigrant audiences. Stay tuned. Governments are going to lose control. Think about it. Let's say we wake up a morning and there's AGI here. Artificial General Intelligence and AGI somehow manages either by coding or by glitch or I'd say singularity, it manages to bring some significant transformations to the stock market. And the rules that applied yesterday to the stock markets are not relevant any more. It could make a bunch of brand-new wealthy people or it could make new poor people. And that's very concerning that's global economy that could be going haywire because of AI. That's just one possibility. Or in terms of imperium, let's say we wake up and just as Skynet in the movie Terminator AI takes over the military. And no one really has control on anything that's happening to the military equipment that have AI embedded in them. So that becomes a problem. It becomes a problem. It could possibly launch wars or incapacitate armies that could be put in a position of not defending themselves and falling prey to outsiders attacks, or let's say domestic enemies. All these things are concerning. I also see the fact that AI could significantly impact the rules and regulations that are currently governing our societies, because there's going to need to be a new set of regulations governing AI, first of all, and that's a novelty because it doesn't exist right now. There's no strict guidelines for AI, except for all these oracles that are trying to bring up the idea of caution. I don't know everything about legislation in the United States but my understanding is that the Europeans, even though their AI solutions are not very advanced right now, they seem to be on the forefront in terms of AI legal framework by coming up with rules and regulations that are trying to contain the development of AI. So that's a good advancement for them, but for the U.S., the Americans are going to have to to come through big time because otherwise we'll just wake up to face the consequences. Those of us who're in this territory here. It's really concerning. So it's important it's important that we understand that our laws are going to change. Some of the things we take for granted in society are going to be taken away possibly because let's say there's ubiquitous AI and AI enhances, maximizes video surveillance and some of the things we didn't want to have on camera start to fall into the hands of the people who should not have access to them. For example, hackers. And they know how to manipulate AI. These things can be very alarming, very concerning. So I just want to, I wanted to open this platform here, this window and start a conversation, a slow conversation on AI. Today, I gave you a little bit of a word salad. I'll come up a lot more prepared and a lot more coordinated in my presentation going forward, but I just want us to start looking at AI as one of those things we can think about. And for me as an immigrant, I think it's not just a great opportunity, for me to start discussing it on this platform, but also to possibly educate myself and become one of the people at the forefront of not necessarily the development, but the rollout of AI in my immigrant community. I'm also thinking about the fact that this might potentially impact on the immigration system. Because maybe AI could make it possible to streamline the rules and regulations that are governing immigration. It could possibly empower Congress and make it possible for them to finally come up with solutions for immigration and try to break the backlog that's currently affecting tens of millions of people who're still waiting. I see that I have vested interest in staying close to AI and keeping an open eye on this subject and following it closely. So if you have any interest and if you feel like sharing or trading ideas with me, feel free to reach out and we are going to talk about it. We're going to open some AI space here. We're not just going to talk about, uh, immigration. We can talk about AI. This is the other topic I'm just trying to bring in here. So you'll see me writing, posting, tweeting a lot about AI. I'm not trying to impress anybody, but I'm just a loud thinker. I like thinking out loud and I just want to be able to share all these information with my intellectual tribe So if you can reach out, let's trade information. Let's trade opinion. Let's all share concerns or you seize this opportunity to educate me on a number of things. And if I have information I can trade with you or share with you, I'll be more than willing to. That's pretty much it for today. I'm sorry, it's different. But I wanted to take this time to pause and just say that it was important for me to talk about this, because this is topical. This is happening right now. It's in development and it's impacting present lives and possibly our future lives. You have a wonderful day. Bye-bye.


Have you ever craved a thought provoking podcast that tackles today's issues with an even hand? Look no further than"Luc's 2 Cents," a podcast created, produced, and published entirely by Luc and his independent venture, Xenos Communications Consulting, LLC. Luc, an immigrant with a passion for fostering understanding, has poured his heart and limited resources into developing this pilot season. Luc's 2 Cents strives to bridge the divides of today's political landscape. Luc believes in open discussions that don't shy away from complexity and welcomes listeners from all walks of life. To ensure ideological neutrality, Luc refuses to compromise his vision by accepting funding that might influence the show's content. However, the well financing these pilot episodes is running dry. If you believe in the power of civil discourse and want to see Luc's 2 Cents continue, reach out to Luc on X, formerly known as Twitter, at Luc's 2 Cents. Your support will directly enable Luc to keep this important platform alive and foster productive dialogue across the spectrum. Let's bridge the gap together, two cents at a time.

This episode was brought to you by Xenos Communications Consulting, LLC, the company that facilitates your engagements with immigrant audiences. Till next time.